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Site Governance Team and School Site Council

Site Governance Team and School Site Council
5/19/2009, 2:30 PM 4:00 PM
Room 9-10

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School Site Council (SSC) Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
2008-2009 SMART GOALS
1. By June 2010, a minimum of 72% of students will attain proficiency or better in English Language Arts as measured by the CST. (increase of 5%)

- English Learner (EL) students scoring proficient or above will increase from 48% to 55% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 7%)
- Socio-economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient or above will increase from 55% to 60% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 5%)

2. By June 2010, a minimum of 69% of students will attain proficiency or better in Math as measured by the
CST. (increase of 5%)
- English Learner (EL) students scoring proficient or above will increase from 41% to 49% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 8%)
- Socio-economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient or above will increase from 52% to 60% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 8%)

1. SDUSD and DAC Information
- SDUSD State Mandated Surveys for staff and parents due to likelihood of Program Improvement Status/AYP Targets not met for English Learners, Special Education subgroups, and the Graduation Rate. Surveys will arrive soon.

1.  Assessment Results Math Benchmark 3

Upcoming Benchmark Windows: Grades 2-4 Literacy: May 26-30 & Grades 3-4 Science: May 6 - May 12

3. 2009-2010 SPSA Single Plan for Student Achievement - Program Monitoring and Mitzi’s Review Suggestions:

OB has a strong plan - very few revisions needed:
A. Revise 2009-2010 Plan SMART Goals - as if we made current SMART Goals (we will use OB AYP chart)
(revise SMART Goals again in September after we receive CST results)
B. Insert data from Data Director
C. Complete assurances and hand deliver and electronically submit Wed. 5/20

All students must be provided the opportunity to meet CA Content Standards at grade level. The 2009-2010 Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Goal for ELA is for 56.8% of students school wide, and all significant subgroups will reach proficiency or above on the ELA portion of the spring 2010 CST GOALS WILL BE REVISED WITH THE RESULTS FROM LITERACY BENCHMARK 4 AND 2009 CST DATA.

1. By June 2010, a minimum of 77% of students will attain proficiency or better in English Language Arts as measured by the CST. (increase of 5%)

- English Learner (EL) students scoring proficient or above will increase from 55% to 62% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 8%)
- Socio-economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient or above will increase from 60% to 68% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 8%)

All students must be provided the opportunity to meet CA Content Standards at grade level. The 2009-2010 Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Goal for Math is for 58.0% of students school wide, and all significant subgroups will reach proficiency or above on the Math portion of the spring 2010 CST. GOALS WILL BE REVISED WITH THE RESULTS FROM MATH BENCHMARK 3 AND 2009 CST DATA.)

2. By June 2010, a minimum of 74% of students will attain proficiency or better in Math as measured by the
CST. (increase of 5%)

- English Learner (EL) students scoring proficient or above will increase from 49% to 59% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 10%)
- Socio-economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient or above will increase from 60% - 68% on the spring 2010 CST. (increase of 8%)


To balance our 2009-10 budget - transfer of expenses between accounts: Transfer: $3,000
(1157 - expenses for classroom teacher hourly - summer library organization and K assessment, workshop prep)
0225 70900 (EIA/SCE) 00 1157 1000 4760 01000 0000
0225 70910 (EIA/LEP) 00 1157 1000 4760 01000 0000

2008-2009 Meeting Dates: Tuesdays: 12/16, 1/21, 2/18, 3/17, 3/24, 4/15, 5/19, 6/17

SSC 2008-2009 Voting Members
School Staff: Angela Giglitto (Chair Person), Molly Stewart (Vice Chairperson), Leanne Tanner (Secretary),Luisa Medina (Other/Classified), Margaret Johnson (Principal), & Karen Ritchey (Teacher Alternate)
Parents & Community: Teresa Drew, John Mazula, Amy Savacool, Nina Davis, Angelica (Lili) Pesqueda (Parent Representing English Learners), Alternate Shelli Kurth

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