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PL Cluster-Wide GATE Meeting: Special Guest Katie Peterson

PL Cluster-Wide GATE Meeting: Special Guest Katie Peterson
1/28/2010, 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Correia Middle School

Come to a Special Presentation for All Point Loma Cluster Parents and Staff.

Special Guest, Katie Peterson, will discuss the Depth and Complexity Icons and how they impact student learning with depth and differentiation.

Katie is currently consulting with Correia Middle School staff on effectively implementing the icons in classrooms. She is a retired GATE resource teacher from Cabrillo Elementary where she was instrumental in starting their innovative GATE nurturing program for K-2. The Depth and Complexity Icons are still being used at Cabrillo.\

*A special thanks to Correia Association for funding this opportunity for our community.

The Depth and Complexity Icons were developed my Dr. Sandra Kaplan. You may have heard Dr. Kaplan at  previous SDUSD Distinguished Lecture Series.

Depth: Language of the discipline, big idea, essential details, rules, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, ethics.

Complexity: Change over time, multiple points of view, across the disciplines.


Each of these eleven tools are considered essential elements one needs to master a subject. For example, chemists need to understand the language of a chemist, the different points of view of in chemistry, the rules that govern chemistry, the ethical decisions chemists face, etc. Likewise, a master of chess would be an expert in the language of chess, the patterns of chess games, the rules to follow, and the way the game has changed over time.

When students think using these tools, they learn to approach subjects from the point of view of an expert. In doing so, they will understand concepts in a deeper and more complex way.

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