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Correia Auction "An Evening Under the Stars"

Correia Auction "An Evening Under the Stars"
2/27/2010, 6:00 PM 11:00 PM


Fundraising efforts for this year's dinner auction will help to fund: school wide assemblies for all students, grade level field trips for all students, grant money to fund classroom needs, elective classes, athletic equipment, and much much more!

With more district budget cuts looming, it is critical that we fund programs and activities to keep Correia on the path of going from Good to Great!
(...Because every student deserves a year's worth of growth...)

Let's help our student's shine, by celebrating
"An Evening Under the Stars"

February * 27 * 2010

We are hoping to get more parents involved in the event and are looking for volunteers. You don't have to take on a job as an individual, but perhaps consider working with a group of friends and form a committee.

We are looking for volunteers to fill the below positions:
  • Solicitation committee - responsibilities include sending out a letter to local merchants and businesses, collecting donation items from the community and any money donations from corporate sponsors. 3-4 people
  • Auction basket committee - putting together baskets, organizing gift certificates and display boards. 5-6 people
  • Bid sheets committee - creating bid sheets and description of auction items. 1-2 people
  • Set up - helping to set up the venue on the day of the event. 6-10 people
  • Clean up - cleaning up after the event. 4-6 people
  • Teacher Liaison - Coordinates with teachers and staff

If you would like to be involved please contact Anne Herrin at (619) 222-9551 or email at [email protected]

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