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Additional Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation Meeting

Additional Point Loma Cluster Schools Foundation Meeting
5/16/2011, 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Correia Library

The PLCSF will have their final meeting OF THE SCHOOL YEAR on Monday, May 16th. At the May 2nd meeting, only one school was able to share their input. A motion was then made to have each school elect 3 representatives to serve on a committee to work on the framework.
MOTION: Each of the ten schools in the cluster have parents elect a parent representative, and the staff elect a staff representative. These representatives, along with the principals from each cluster school will be tasked with the work that would have been done on May 6th (compilation work of the Empowered Schools Framework.)
The meeting ended prior to any other schools sharing their input. At the May 16th meeting we will continue the agenda item of school report presentations as previously agreed upon.
(Each school will have the opportunity to share. Up to 5 minutes per school.)
Point Loma High School
Correia Middle School (staff shared out at May 2)
Dana Middle School
Barnard Elementary
Cabrillo Elementary
Dewey Elementary
Loma Portal Elementary
Ocean Beach Elementary
Silvergate Elementary
Sunset View Elementary
Background: At our March meeting, the board voted to have staff & parent representatives return to their sites to gather information from their school communities (both staff and parents) for the development of a new Empowered Schools framework. Reference materials supplied to/requested by schools for these meetings included: a Powerpoint, the Courageous Conversation sheet, and an empty "bucket" worksheet.
MARCH 7th MOTION: Next Steps: Timeline: 1.) Return to school sites to share and get feedback on Empowerment Framework from now until May 2nd 2.) Meet on May 2nd to hear back from the schools and edit agreement as needed. 3.) Call an additional meeting on May 16 to vote on Empowerment Framework.
If you are a PLCSF board member (staff or parent rep from one of the PLC school or on the executive board), it's highly recommended that you read the Bylaws and Strategic Plan prior to the meeting so we have the opportunity to discuss.
Review Current PLCSF Board Structure
...per Bylaws (including but not limited to: board members, exec. committee,
election, terms, etc). Members: please review bylaws prior to meeting.
Maintain or change structure?
Review relation to adhoc framework committee
Background: At the May meeting, a motion was made to find representatives to serve on an adhoc committee to work on the Empowered Schools framework.
May 2nd MOTION:Each of the ten schools in the cluster have parents elect a parent representative, and the staff elect a staff representative. These representatives, along with the principals from each cluster school will be tasked with the work that would have been done on May 6th. [Note: May 6th work refers to the construction of a draft Empowered Schools framework based on the input from each school site]
In an effort to allow time for our new and old business, all reports will be posted on our website.
For Your Information....
How Our Cluster Work Aligns with the SDUSD Community Based Reform
SDUSD on Community Based Reform:
The SDUSD Board of Education engaged in the process of developing a Community Based Reform Model. The Cluster Model emerged and 16 clusters were created. The Board of Education approved a draft model and a position document created by the cabinet to serve as a guide for the development and organization of the cluster. The position document states: "The San Diego Unified School District is committed to a community-based reform model to elevate all schools within the district to higher levels of student achievement. This model empowers teachers, site leaders, students, and parents within a cluster community to improve student achievement." The document goes on to state, "Developing clusters is part of the restructuring approved by board action on April 20, 2010. This model charges leaders with building clusters and communities in decisions and discussion about how best to serve the needs of the respective cluster to better address the needs of students and to capitalize on the synergy of a fully articulated school system. It provides a structure that better positions the district to monitor students Pre-K through graduation, as well as build strong relationships and a sense of joint ownership." A town hall meeting was held at Point Loma HS in October to roll out this concept in addition to the Vision 20-20 and Goals for Student Achievement documents. Each of these documents can be found on the Area 7 Superintendent page of the website in the Point Loma Cluster folder.

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