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Community Connections » PLHS Jr. Cheer Camp

PLHS Jr. Cheer Camp


Information: This clinic is a week long daily event where kids come to learn cheers,

dances, play games, and make crafts! Ages 4- 13 are welcome for a week of cheer and fun!

Presented by 2016-17 PLHS Cheer squad!

Participants will finish the week with a performance to wow parents, grandparents,

friends, and siblings! Plus, come back and cheer at a home football game this fall!

Clinic Times/Dates:

SESSION 1: June 27th - July 1st, 9am-12pm

SESSION 2: July 25th July 29th, 9am-12pm

Sign up for both and receive a 20% discount OR receive a 20% sibling discount when

signed up for the same camp.


See the PLHS Cheer pages for more info!